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Application location Coverage
Industrial Incinerator Comprehensive jipjinseolbi, cooling towers, incinerators and waste piping or duct ends
Manufacturing Electronics industry, dyeing plants, food and meat processing plants, marine plants, slaughterhouses
Daily Clean Hospitals, hotels, office, saloon, restaurant, zoo, home, public smoking, pet kennels, etc.
Sewage, wastewater, sewage treatment plant Precipitation, concentration, ponds, sewage talsusil dilution, septic tanks, etc.
Air Tube System Large buildings, hotels, hospitals, theaters, etc.
Life, industrial waste truck Landfills, incinerators, such as regional development nanbangyeol merge
HeadOffice.Factory : KyungNam Yangsan-city Aegok-dong 702 / E.F.T / Tel 055)364-5611 / Fax 055)364-5615
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